Introduction to The Green Mushroom Shared Astral Space and Astral Temple

Join Luxa as she and other The Green Mushroom Council members Arspex, Joy and Dave Ardrey from Unearthing Paranormalcy podcast conduct an experimental exercise intended to create this “audio welcome tour” of the shared astral space (imagination zone?) associated with the Hyphosigil. It’s a suitably psychedelic dive into the imaginal area that we have been constructing…or perhaps discovering- our experimentation has shown this distinction to be irrelevant at times! Whatever the case may be, it’s been a very fun and interesting experiment so far, and we are excited to share our work with this space and welcome you to The Mushroom! Big Thanks and Much Love to everyone participating in the project!

Listen on the Lux Occult podcast here, or watch the Youtube video below.
